On the 9th of January 2013 the contract on the reconstruction works in Narva Castle Park was signed, and on the 4th of February 2013 the information stand was installed in the framework of the project “Unique Estonian-Russian fortresses ensemble development as a single tourist product. Stage II./EstRusFortTour-2″.
The contract on the reconstruction of Narva Castle Park was signed between Narva Museum and the company Lemminkäinen Eesti AS, which was chosen a winner during the tender.
During the landscaping works on the territory of Narva Castle Park the following works will be implemented: the old sick trees cut down, new and healthy trees, bushes and perennial plants planted, paths and roads resurfaced, pipelines laid (electricity, sewer and water pipes), fountain renovated and functioning again, street lamps installed, benches installed, trashcans put up, information pointers, stands and boards installed.
The reconstruction of the Park is planned to be finished in October 2013.
The whole process of construction site works from its beginning to the end will be recorded on the video and the short promofilm about the history of reconstruction of Narva Castle Park will appear. The cost of construction works is 827 079,78 EUR, including VAT.
The project partners are: Narva Department for City Development and Economy, Administration of the Municipal Formation “City Ivangorod Kingisepp Municipal District Leningrad oblast” and Narva Museum.
The total project budget is 1 824 564 EUR, out of which 10% is partners’ co-financing. The Estonia-Latvia-Russia Programme co-financing is EUR 1 642 108,36. The budget of Narva partners is 906 098,20 EUR.
Project has been approved by the Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership instrument 2007-2013. The overarching strategic objective of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership instrument 2007-2013 is to promote joint development activities for the improvement of the region’s competitiveness by utilising its potential and beneficial location in the cross roads between the EU and Russian Federation. The Programme website: www.estlatrus.eu.

Anželika Shticlaov
Project „EstRusFortTour-2“PR specialist
+372 35 99 244
Project Manager: Natalia Orava
+372 35 99 085