20 July, 2012 Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross-border cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) 2007-2013 has signed Grant Contract for implementation of Large Scale Project „Development of the unique Narva-Ivangorod trans-border fortresses ensemble as a single cultural and tourist object”. 26 July, 2012 Grant Contract has been signed by Narva City Government, Department for City Development and Economy.
Project will develop Narva-Ivangorod cross-border region tourism infrastructure through reconstruction of fortresses ensemble and improve accessibility of tourism information.
Project activities will be concentrated on Victoria bastion in Narva and the Small Powder Granary in Ivangorod. Along with the reconstruction of objects of great historical value Welcome centres and expositions will be created and opened for visitors to introduce the history of fortifications. Arrangement of green spaces, construction of foot-paths, grounds and access roads, installation of small forms will also be implemented.
Total budget of the project is about 6,9 mln.EUR. Programme co-financing is about 6,2 mln. EUR including co-financing from the State Budget of Estonia 1,8 mln. EUR. Narva contribution into the project is 347 146 EUR. Russian partner contribution is 340 000 EUR. Project budget for the Estonian partner is about 3,5 mln.EUR. Project budget for the Russian partner is 3,4 mln.EUR. Duration of the project is 33 months.
Department for City Development and Economy will implement project together with a partner from Russia – The Leningrad Region State Budget Cultural Institution „Museum Agency”.
Additional information:
Anna Karina
Project overall manager
Narva City Government, Department for City Development and Economy
Phone: +372-35-99082