River promenades
before 24.02.2022

The project coming under Thematic Objective (TO) 1 “Business and SME development” is a logical continuation of the project “Development of historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia II stage/River Promenades III” implemented within the framework of Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013.
The project overall objective is integrated construction and improvement of the historical promenade areas in Narva (Estonia) and Ivangorod (Russia) and conversion of the border area into attractive place for tourism and business development.

The project lasting till 31.10.2023 will carry out construction works for continuation of Historical Promenades:
- on Estonian side: ca 960 m of promenade, incl. ca 23500 sq.m of landscaping, LED lighting, bridges and viewpoints;
- on the Russian side: ca 500 m of promenade, incl. piles and retaining walls;
- LED lighting, ca 2 ha of landscaping;
- promotion of tourist product “Historical Promenades” on both sides.
Development and promotion of tourist product “Historical cross-border promenades” will facilitate business development in Narva-Ivangorod riverside area. The project will be implemented in the partnership of Narva City Government, Department for City Development and Economy (Estonia) and Administration of Municipal Formation «City of Ivangorod, Kingisepp municipal district, Leningrad Oblast» (Russia). Three more organizations are involved in the project implementation as associated partners: Environmental Board of Estonia, Administration of municipal formation “Kingisepp municipal district” and Committee of Leningrad region for tourism.
Since 24.02.2022 all joint activities, incl events, meetings and payments, with partners from the Russian Federation are suspended.