On September 26, 2013 public lecture “Cross-border cooperation: Narva-Ivangorod” was held. Information about Narva and Ivangorod common projects in development of tourism, entrepreneurship and youth work was presented to wider public in the Narva College of Tartu University.
The event took place in the framework of European Cooperation Day, which is annually celebrated on 21 September. During September various local actions were organised to support cooperation and good neighbourhood relations. The main objective of the campaign is to celebrate achievements of European projects and lay stress on changes for the better that have been achieved thanks to local projects. More detailed information about European Cooperation Day can be found on www.ecday.eu.

Representatives of Narva City Government, Administration of Municipal Formation “City Ivangorod” and speakers from other organisations involved in common projects, presented information about the projects’ flow. Reconstruction of the Castle Park in Narva and construction of a convenient access road to Ivangorod fortress is carried out in the framework of the project « Unique Estonian-Russian fortresses ensemble development as a single tourist product. Stage II. / EstRusFortTour-2 ». Project “Development of historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia II stage” is directed to reconstruction of the upper level of the promenade (in Dark Garden) in Narva and construcyion of the northern part of the river promenade in Ivangorod. The project is in its final stage. Project „Development of the unique Narva-Ivangorod trans-border fortresses ensemble as a single cultural and tourist object” main activities are concentrated on restoration and opening for visitors of Victoria bastion in Narva and the Small Powder Granary in Ivangorod. The audience was also acquainted with information about the project «Project Regions are to attract the investors». Its overall objective is to improve competitiveness of the cooperating regions in order to attract the principal foreign investors. Foundation Ida-Virumaa Industrial Areas Development implements the project.
All four projects are financed by Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross-border cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) 2007-2013. Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013 financially supports joint cross border development activities for the improvement of the region’s competitiveness by utilising its potential and beneficial location on the crossroads between the EU and Russian Federation. The Programme web-site is www.estlatrus.eu
The last but not the least Vyacheslav Konovalov, Mayor’s International Adviser shared information about Narva and Ivangorod cooperation in the “City Twins” association that unites cities located on both sides of the border.
Additional information:
Anna Karina
Project overall manager
Narva City Government, Department for City Development and Economy
Phone: +372-35-99082