Project “Unique Estonian-Russian fortresses ensemble development as a single tourist product. Stage II. / EstRusFortTour-2”
In Narva- Ivangorod twin-cities, at the Estonian – Russian border there is a unique fortresses ensemble of great cultural, historical and tourist value that is not fully used mostly due to undeveloped tourism infrastructure and poor accessibility. Poor accessibility was identified not only in terms of infrastructure but in tourist information as well.
The present investment project is a follow-up project of “EstRusFortTour” project implemented in the framework of Interreg IIIA Programme in 2006-2008, directed at the development of the unique fortresses ensemble as a single tourist product.

Project “EstRusFortTour-2” is directed to increase of access to unique fortification ensemble, and among other things it includes improvement of access roads infrastructure to the fortresses. The following project activities will be carried out: reconstruction of the Narva Castle Park (in front of the entrance to the fortress); construction of the access road to Ivangorod fortress and creation of the necessary tourist infrastructure including parking places and toilets. The project activities also include development of a single audio-tour around the fortresses, development of a joint promotional strategy and promotional events.
The project partners are: Narva Department for Development and Economy, Administration of the Municipal Foundation “City Ivangorod Kingisepp Municipal District Leningrad oblast” and Narva Museum.
The total project budget is 1 824 564 EUR, out of which 10% is partners’ co-financing. The budget of partners from Narva is 906 098 EUR. Grant Contract for financing of the project “EstRusFortTour-2” was signed on 15 December 2011.
Duration of the project is planned in the period from December 2011 till March 2014.
Project has been approved by the Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership instrument 2007-2013. The overarching strategic objective of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership instrument 2007-2013 is to promote joint development activities for the improvement of the region’s competitiveness by utilising its potential and beneficial location in the cross roads between the EU and Russian Federation. The specific objective is to make the wider border area an attractive place for both its inhabitants and businesses through activities aimed at improving the living standards and investment climate. The Programme website: