On 12th of November public procurement procedure an announcement for construction works of Victoria bastion was published in procurement register (https://riigihanked.riik.ee/register/hange/138670 ). In the framework of these works strengthening and restoration works of Victoria bastion, restoration of curtain and of Powder cellar are planned. Also drainage works and arrangement of paths and green spaces as well as outdoor lighting system and small forms will be installed. Price offers submission deadline is 19th December 2012. Construction works should begin in spring 2013 and should be completed in autumn 2014 alongside with promotional events for opening of new tourist attractions.
Construction works are implemented in the framework of international Large Scale Project „Development of the unique Narva-Ivangorod trans-border fortresses ensemble as a single cultural and tourist object”, which is financed by Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross-border cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrumnet (ENPI) 2007-2013. Total budget of the project is about 6,9 mln. EUR. Programme co-financing is about 6,2 mln. EUR including co-financing from the State Budget of Estonia 1,8 mln. EUR.
The overall objective of the project is development of tourism infrastructure in cross-border region of Narva-Ivangorod through reconstruction of fortresses ensemble and improvement of accessibility of tourism information. Small Powder Granary in Ivangorod will be reconstructed during the project. Along with bastion restoration in Narva there will be launched an interactive exposition in its casemates, and a welcome centre in curtain Powder cellar.
Department for City Development and Economy is implementing project together with a partner from Russia – The Leningrad Region State Budget Cultural Institution „Museum Agency”.
Additional information:
Anna Karina
Project overall manager
Narva City Government, Department for City Development and Economy
Phone: +372-35-99082